PCB Manufacturing Service and Assmebly
Our six PCB manufacturing options are geared toward giving our customers the best value, whether they are ordering just a few boards or a thousand.
Cutoff Time for all services is 2 PM Eastern Time. We only manufacture orders place via our ExpressPCB Software. Payments are in USD.
MiniBoards Service
Our MiniBoard Service is our least expensive PCB option. These are the same high quality PCBs as our other manufacturing services, but with a fixed size and quantity. By standardizing the size and number, we can offer these boards at a very low price.
- 2 Layer – $41 / 3 PCBs
- 2 Layer – $61 / 3 PCBs*
- 4 Layer – $81 / 3 PCBs
ProtoPro Service
Our ProtoPro Service is a low cost choice for double-sided PCBs that include the solder mask and silkscreen layers. These are the same professional quality 2-layer boards as our Production Service, but at a fixed price and quantity. They are shipped in just 2 business days.
2 Layer – $166
/ 4 PCBs
4 Layer ProtoPro Service
Our 4 Layer ProtoPro Service is a low cost choice for four layer boards, including the solder mask and silkscreen layers. These are the same professional quality multi-layer boards as our production service, but at a fixed price and quantity. They are shipped in just 3 business days.
- 4 Layer – $195
- / 4 PCBs
Standard Service
The Standard Service is a very economical manufacturing option for two-layer PCBs. These boards are very high quality, but do not include the silkscreen or solder mask layers. By eliminating these extras, we can offer great boards without a large setup fee, making this the good choice when ordering prototypes.
2 Layer – Price based on size and Qty.
Production Service
The Production Service is designed for 2-layer PCBs that include the silkscreen and solder mask layers. These additional layers give the boards a very professional appearance. This is also our best value when ordering large quantities of boards.
2 Layer – Price based on size and Qty.
4 Layer Production Service
The 4 Layer Production Service is designed for multi-layer circuits that include green solder mask and a white silkscreen. This is our best value for large quantities of 4 layer boards, having a low per-square-inch cost and quantity discounts.
4 Layer – Price based on size and Qty.
Source : https://www.expresspcb.com/pcb-manufacturing/